411.ca is a FREE online information service for Canadians. More than 1.6 million people use 411.ca every month to find people & businesses in our White Pages and Yellow Business Pages.
Unlike telephone-based 411 services, 411.ca does not charge for directory services such as Find a Person, Find a Business, and Reverse Lookup. The online directory services and maps offered by 411.ca bring buyers and sellers together, helping people find businesses, products and services.
411.ca also helps Canadian businesses move online by providing fast, easy & secure access to Internet domain names 411domains.ca & hosting 411hosting.ca.
We also provide low cost advertising products which target the SME (Small to Medium Enterprise) and SOHO (Small Office/Home Office Business Segments). This allows businesses to target their local market by finding new customers and being seen at the top of their category and location of choice.
There are no click fees and you only pay for the advertising you need.
411.ca was transferred into a seperate company, 411 Local Search Corp. in 2006. This company has numerous shareholders with the largest shareholder, Yellow Media Inc. at 30% equity stake in a transaction March, 2010. See www.ypg.ca for more details.